Contact your local Master Gardner Program
Have a gardening question? Odds are your local Extension Office has an answer If you live in the Adams County Pennsylvania or Frederick County Maryland area, please county the Master Gardener Programs coordinators listed below.
If you live outside these areas, please contact your local cooperative Extension office for they are best suited to answers your questions. Extension Offices are run by your state universities in cooperation with your county.
If you have a question specifically related to one of our articles and would like to contact its author, please e-mail the Master Gardener Coordinator of the program the author is associated with and they will happily forward your e-mail onto the author.
Adams County Master Gardeners |
Contact: |
Mary Ann Ryan |
Telephone: |
(717) 334-6271 |
e-mail: | |
Frederick County Master Gardeners |
Carroll County Master Gardeners |
Contact: |
Steve Allgeier |
Telephone: |
(410) 386-2760 |
e-mail: | |
