Infections: the Continuing Battle
Adams County
Master Gardener
gathering some background for this
piece, I was reminded of Winston
Churchill's book entitled The Gathering
Storm, one of seven volumes in a series
published in 1948. Churchill was
referring to the ever increasing danger
of Hitler's invasions in Europe leading
to World War II. The analogy, of course,
refers to the increasing number of
infectious diseases to the trees of
Pennsylvania and elsewhere. In this
article, I shall mention just three such
in our own state and one on the West
Coast. Bagworms, rhizosphaera needle
casts, hemlock woolly adelgid, and
sudden oak death syndrome will be the
topics described briefly below.
Description: The
bagworm is a perennial insect of many
evergreens and certain deciduous trees.
It is most common in regions of
southeastern Pennsylvania in our state.
Dispersal here is mostly through
movement of infected nursery stock and
wind dispersal in early June. The
identification of this disease is fairly
simple; most of us have observed them in
their silken shelters (bags) often
covered by pieces of foliage, bits of
bark, or other plant parts. Eggs laid in
fall can overwinter in the bag until the
following year. Treatment: Damage by
bagworm larvae leads to desecration of
evergreen needles and hole in deciduous
tree leaves. Control can be achieved on
small shrubs and trees by handpicking or
cutting the bags from infected plants in
late fall, winter, or early spring,
disposing of the bags to prevent
reinfestation. When bagworms are too
numerous or out of reach, insecticide
application may be indicated. Apply the
material only as directed and solely to
plants listed on the label. This is a
controllable disease.
This "needle cast" is a fungus which
attacks various conifers and is a
significant cause of death to spruces in
North America. Damage in forests thus
far is negligible, but, on home
landscapes and in nurseries, it is
devastating. I speak personally here
since several trees on our property are
suffering seriously from this disease.
The spores are spread easily by
splashing and dripping water from spring
until autumn. The yellowing, browning,
and dropping of needles in winter are
often obvious signs of the disease.
Normally, the destruction begins at the
bottom of the tree and slowly extends
upward. Christmas tree farms carry and
extend the problem easily because of
human movement among the trees and
retention of moisture in the dense
foliage of such farms.
Treatment: Much
has been explored about treating
rhizosphaera needle cast but, to my
knowledge, no genuine cure has yet been
discovered. The best bet, I believe, is
to cut the lower branches which have
lost their needles, and eventually,
plant a second generation of other trees
or shrubs underneath the spruce.
Fungicides may be recommended by some
professionals but seem to provide, at
best, slowing of the disease's
advancement. In my case, I planted
hemlocks with the hope they will
eventually replace the once majestic
blue spruces.
Description: It
comes to my twisted mind that the
definition of a Master Gardener may be
one who is willing to share his or her
own mistakes so that others might learn
not to repeat them! Hemlock, I have come
to learn, has its own disease problem,
both in the East and in Oregon and
California. So, our own state tree is
threatened! Hemlock woolly adelgid is
found particularly in mature hemlocks by
examining the trees for masses of white
spots and filaments among the branches
of the tree. Such populations overwinter
and cause premature needle drop, reduced
twig growth, and death of trees when
severe. Female eggs start to hatch in
April and, under normal conditions,
hatching is completed by late June.
Treatment: The
good news about this pest is that on
home landscapes it is treatable. Two
methods are currently recommended. In
the spring, soil injections of systemic
insecticides may be applied by
commercial applicators around large
trees. Spring is recommended because
adequate soil moisture is usually
present, a prerequisite for successful
application. I had this treatment
applied to all our hemlocks and a recent
inspection revealed no need for
additional measures, perhaps not for a
year to eighteen months. Spraying in
fall is another option, perhaps
especially for large, extensively
infected hemlocks. Several caviats are
in order as follows: 1. Spraying is too
expensive to use in our large hemlock
forests; 2. This disease spreads quickly
in neighborhoods harboring many
hemlocks; 3. Repeated treatments are
likely necessary over the years.
Description: A
fairly recent pestilence called sudden
oak death syndrome has been found in
California and Oregon. It may well
spread eastward according to an early
October New York Times article. The
disease has already killed tens of
thousands of trees in California and
infested seventeen species of trees,
especially, but not exclusively,
varieties of oaks. The beloved redwood
and douglas fir have also been infested.
Scientists are rewriting the biology of
this botanical scourge with each new
finding. Much remains to be learned and
no cure is at hand.
The famous
quotation, sometimes attributed to
Thomas Jefferson, may be paraphrased
here: "The price of freedom (from
disease) is eternal vigilance." Suffice
it to say that we are not in control of
our environment but we can preserve some
of it by being vigilant. The "Gathering
Storm" of gardening and landscape
insects need not overwhelm us!
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