It's Veterans' Day as I
write. Last week four Rotarians from our Frederick
Club who served in uniform shared their
experiences in war. One was in World War II,
another in Korea, a third in Viet Nam, and the
fourth in Desert Storm. All got emotional when
they recalled buddies who were killed.
Some may glorify war, but
it is an awful reality. Pacifists believe God is
against all wars and want us to work hard at
peacemaking. Most of us recognize with Lincoln and
Roosevelt that some wars are necessary to protect
the innocent, fight for freedom and pursue
justice. Yet, with the Rotarian who went to Viet
Nam, we see that war can be a tragic mistake.
Christmas is coming again,
renewing God's will for "PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL
AMONG ALL PEOPLE." The Christ who is our Saviour
taught us to be peacemakers, reconcilers, not
warriors. His faith taught him "to study war no
more," "to beat swords into plowshares" in order
that God's Kingdom comes on earth. We must not
surrender this ideal way to live and to resolve
conflicts! We must be advocates for diplomacy, for
non-violent actions for justice and for a Peace
Corps around the world. In our personal relations
we should strive to live peacefully with everyone
and to resolve conflicts without violence.
Out veterans, however,
tried to bring peace on earth by doing their duty
when called to fight. We honor them. Let us listen
to one of them who wrote:
"Do not
give medals for our death;
Do not raise flags and hold parades;
We ask but one thing …
Please be WORTH the blood we shed."