Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


November 2014

"November’s sky is chill and drear,
November’s leaf is red and sear"
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Fair and cool (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) with showers, storms (8, 9); Fair and mild temperatures (10, 11, 12) with more showers and a bit cooler (13, 14). Windy, cool, with some lake-effect snow (15, 16, 17); Periods of snow in the northern part of the region, rain in the south, heavy late (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24); Fair and cold, turning windy, colder late (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30).

Full Moon: The Full Moon for November occurs on the 6th. While many Native Americans called it Dying Grass Moon Or Falling Leaf Moon because the colder days and killing frosts have killed the grasses and the last leaves have fallen from the trees, many referred to it as Big Wood Moon, because of the high winds this time of year.

Special Notes: Remember to turn your clocks back at 2AM on Sunday, November 2ndd as Daylight Savings ends for this year.

Holidays: Elections are held on Tuesday, November 5th. Though it is an off-year election (not a presidential election but one for congressional, gubernatorial, local seats, etc.), it is still important and remember, it is both a privilege and an obligation to be a part of the shaping our great nation’s policies and future and it starts with us. Veteran’s Day is celebrated on Tuesday, November 11th. May we never forget that without the sacrifices of millions of servicemen and women, both past and present, we would not have the freedoms to create our own destiny, speak our minds, and practice the religion of our choice. Celebrate Thanksgiving this year on Thursday, November 27th with family and loved ones and we all must be thankful every day for what we have been blessed with in our lives.

The Garden: Even though lawns rest in winter, they still need all the winter sunlight they can get so don’t put away the rake until all of the leaves and pine needles have fallen and you can remove them. Keep watering until the ground temperature reaches 40 degrees F. Now is the time to start those forced bulbs that were placed in a cool area in August or September. If you've decided to store your bulbs indoors for the winter, try storing them in a pail filled with sawdust after they have dried off from being in the ground. Take the time to organize, clean, and sharpen your garden tools. Keep them from underfoot, cleaned, and sharpened and they will be ready to go come Spring.

J. Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living

"We can’t hope to find a solution to a problem unless we look at it from all sides and not just from our own point of view"

Index of Past Month's Entries