Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


December 2008

"I heard the bells of Christmas Day; their old familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the word repeat of peace on earth, good will to men!"
                     Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1802-1882)

Weather Watch: Fair and cold (1,2,3,4,5) then fair and not so cold (6,7,8). Light snow (9,10) with rain on the coast. Windy and cold with flurries in the North (11,12) staying fair, windy, and cold (13,14,15,16,17). Light snow in the East (18,19) returning to fair, windy, and cold temperatures (20, 21). Snow and quite stormy (22,23) turning fair and cold again (24,25,26). More snow, heavy in the South and rain on the coast (27,28) going back to fair, windy, and cold weather (29,30,31).

Tornado Watch: No tornado activity forecasted for the Mid-Atlantic Region in December.

Full Moon: December's Full Moon will occur on Friday, December 12th at 11:37AM and has been known by Native Americans as Cold Moon (for obvious reasons!). It also has been known as the Beaver Moon because beavers are active now trying to complete their dams and lodges so that yearlings and kits will have protection during the coming Winter. It has also been Called Ice-forming Moon, because the dropping temperatures are causing the lakes and ponds to freeze over.

Special Notes: With the election behind us now, we look forward with hope that the new administration will guide us wisely. We are all in this together and we must remember it will take all of us to sort it out. This year, think about volunteering at a local hospital, nursing home, or community shelter. The good will that you extend to those often forgotten during the holiday season will make them (and you!) truly feel the holiday spirit!

Holidays: Celebrate Christmas on Thursday, December 25th and have a wonderful and safe New Year! Enjoy family and friend during this festive time and try to keep that joyful and giving spirit alive throughout the coming year. New Year's Eve is Wednesday, December 31st. Plan to attend a First Night Celebration and enjoy family-oriented fun, food, and entertainment on the very first night of the year. Look online at and find one nearest you. Some have huge fireworks displays at midnight that are simply marvelous. You won't be disappointed!

The Garden: Adopt a poinsettia this season! Few plants are as colorful and festive. Be sure to place it near a warm, sunny window (but do not let it touch the glass!). Water only when soil is dry to the touch. To enjoy for another season, stop watering and store in a cool place after the leaves drop off. In the Spring, water and cut stems back to 6" tall. Also pinch back new growth. This will make for a more compact plant with denser blooms. From October to blooming season, place in dark closet for 12 hours each night. Expose to sunlight or place under a grow light for the other 12. Enjoy! Don't forget to rotate your houseplants so they get ample light. Being indoors reduces their exposure so try extra-hard to see that they see the "light of day"!

John Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:

"The thought that goes into the giving of a gift to a friend or loved one is so much more important then the value of the gift itself"

Index of Past Month's Entries