July 7
Firemen’s Fourth of July Picnic Successful
Independence Day with its chief attraction, the fireman’s picnic, was very pleasingly observed in Emmitsburg. The street decorations were particularly pleasing. By nine o’clock the firemen formed in front of their hall with the Emmitsburg Coronet Band leading, followed by the hose company. They paraded down Green Street,
across Main Street, to the Emmit House, counter marching to the Square, then to Firemen’s Park, at which time the celebration began.
The day could not have been better. It was hot but fair and taken altogether it was an ideal Fourth of July. Early in the morning the people began to come into Emmitsburg from all points and all day long automobiles, carriages and buggies brought a happy crowd to Firemen’s Park.
With twilight the dancing began and the commodious floor was always crowded. The hawkers hawked and the people spent their shackles freely. It was knock-the-baby-down, ring-the-knives, get a cane, ice cream tickets, here for your sandwiches, etc., until the tearful strains of the merry-go-round quivered. Late into the evening,
one by one the lights were put out and it was over. The proceeds of the various booths and other places of amusement amounted to $493, which will be used to pay down the debt for the field, which will ensure future citizens of Emmitsburg have a park which they can use for free.
Series of Mishaps on Fourth
Quite a number of accidents occurred in Emmitsburg on Tuesday. There were several prostrations, principally among children on the picnic grounds, due to the intense heat of the day. Wilbur Moser was severely burned on that hand by a premature explosion of a Roman candle. A lady with a baby in her arms leapt from the
merry-go-round, while in motion, and landed on Miss Margaret Hayes, who is now confined to her home with a badly crushed ankle. The shock threw the baby to the ground, but it was not injured. Mr. Jere Overholtzer, returning from town, overcome by heat, fell from his buggy near his home and was badly injured. Seven or eight men, some of them
celebrated booze artists, mixed it up on the square in the afternoon. One man had his jaw broken. The police escorted them out the pike and local physicians repaired the injured.
Union Power House Plan
For many months the electric light proposition for Emmitsburg has been in abeyance. It will be remembered that the first plan called for an expenditure of some $7,000 for power plant, wires and so forth. Upon the advice from interested persons, after the subscription books have been closed, the matter was laid aside for
further developments elsewhere, which it was supposed with save the town about three or $4000.
The news was given out earlier this week that the plans for union powerhouse for electrical current for the Frederick Railroad and the Hagerstown Railroad will be built near Hagerstown. The idea is that Emmitsburg will be furnished by power from this plant by a line brought across the mountain. When this plan is fully
developed Emmitsburg, with every little expense will be supplied with night and day current always available at reasonable rates. It is expected that the plant will be completed next December. It will be but a short time until Emmitsburg can get its line in place for its most necessary improvement the town needs - electric power.
Hurt in a Runaway
On Saturday afternoon Dwen Adelsberger had his leg broken in a runaway accident on the Keysville Road. A part of the harness broke coming down the hill and he lost control of the horse pulling the buggy. The buggy was broken and the other occupants slightly bruised. Dr. Jamieson set the broken limb.
July 14
5 Gallons in One Milking
Patterson Brothers, of this place, have broken the record here about for milk producing cows. In one milking - not a days milking - one of their herd gave 5 gallons or 41 pounds of milk. Mr. Mead Patterson says he has been in business for 30 years and has never seen the equal of this cow.
July 21
Suffragettes Begin Work
Agreeable to the advertisement which appeared in last week’s issue of the Chronicle, representatives of the State Equal Franchise league of Maryland addressed at an open-air meeting the people of Emmitsburg on Tuesday evening.
Burgess Rowe acted in the capacity as chairman and introduced the speakers who stood in an automobile which was standing by the curb in front of C. J. Shuff store. Shortly before the speeches, ladies passed through the town giving out personal invitation to all they met to attend the meeting.
In every county in the state a systematic campaign for women’s suffrage is being waged and leagues are being formed. Woman’s suffrage is coming. The only thing for you to do is decide your own attitude, to decide whether you want to help, or be a stumbling block to the road of progress. When you hear your friends say they are
opposed to women’s enfranchisement, remind them of the story of the kitten who was owned by a girl of eight years. The child’s parents, aunts and uncles all were Suffragettes. An aunt in going through the room where she was playing heard her call her kitten "anti-suffrage. " Her aunt asked "Why child, why have you named it anti-suffrage?" "Oh aunt,
don’t you understand it hasn’t opened its eyes yet!"
Following the meeting the various members of the league distributed cards and literature and informally discussed the subject with anyone who appeared to be interested. The ladies of the town who have expressed their support have arranged for a parlor meeting to be held next Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock at the home of
Mrs. E. L. Annan.
Barn Struck by Lightning
During the rain and thunderstorm Monday morning about six o’clock lightning struck the large bank barn at "Penola," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Welty, and scattered timber all about. Fortunately the building did not ignite. The weather since then has been delightful and quite a number of young folks -ladies and gentlemen-have
been taking advantage of the delightful weather the past few days to indulge in horseback riding. Nearly every evening a party or two passes through town on their mounts.
Another Accident for Turner
Mr. Elmer Turner met with another painful accident this week when he fell and broke his right arm. Some time ago Mr. Turner accidentally shot two fingers off a hand on his arm.
Well Poisoned
Someone dumped Paris Green in the well on the farm of Mrs. Mary Draper, possibly with the intent of poisoning members of the family. The poison was discovered before any damage has been done to any persons. For some time the Draper family has been annoyed by enemies in their neighborhood. Recently one of their cows was badly
hacked with a knife. The parties live in the mountains, where bad feelings have frequently culminated in feuds and disorder.
When Bessy Patterson, a daughter of Mr. Drapper, went to the spring to get a bucket of water she noticed the sides and bottom of the spring were greenish looking and a greenish tint was on the surface. The members of the household were called and they concluded it was caused by Paris Green. At yet no warrants have been sworn
out, but some members of the community are under suspicion.
July 28
Emmitsburg Escaped Three Big Storms
Last Friday a storm passed over the state from West to East of such violence that the weather-wise say it was the most destructive in years. Emmitsburg, shielded by his wall of mountains, again through storm proof, only to the distant rumble of thunder and the reflection of lightning with cooling wind the manifest
Mr. Hoke, who came from Baltimore on the evening train, said that the hail there was so thick that it would have easily filled and icehouse. In places the train ran through water 18 inches deep. The only inconvenience here was the inability to use the long-distance phones.
On Saturday the southern part of this county got a touch of storm trouble. Again great damage was done by hail which at Brunswick was the heaviest in 20 years. On Monday Middletown caught it. The rain fell in torrents between 11:30 and noon, and during the electrical storm considerable damage was done. One bolt struck the big
barn on the farm of Charles Holter, totally destroyed it, together with immense wagon shed and a years wheat crop, about 1,500 bushels, 80 bushels of corn, and a lot of hay. Fortunately none of the livestock were injured and all the wagons, machinery and some harnesses were saved. During the storm 1 inch of water fell in 30 minutes, flooding fields,
gardens and roads by badly washing them out.
Equal Franchise League of Emmitsburg
As a result of the recent agitation for women’s suffrage a meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Annan. The parlor was comfortably filled with enthusiasts. Mrs. Ellicott acted as chairperson pro tem and Mrs. Trax as temporary secretary. Mrs. Annan was elected president, Mrs. Bella Rowe, Treas., Mrs. Eve
Rowe, chairman of the press and literature committee, and Mrs. Annan Chairman of the sanitation committee. The vice president is to be appointed later. It is s the purpose of the local league to take up civic questions.
Read Prior '100 Years Ago this Month'
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