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What is Wealth Management: Importance for Individuals and Businesses

(2/13) Many people can achieve financial success, but the key is to manage this income effectively. Long-term strategies can be used to manage these assets and this is called wealth management. Individuals or businesses may seek the support of lawyers for asset management in order to protect, grow or maintain their wealth, and this process is a professional process. In this article, we will explain what this concept is and why it is important.

What is Asset Management?

In fact, wealth management covers a wide range of areas, including financial planning, investment management, tax optimization, retirement planning and estate management. The people who usually benefit from this service are high-net-worth individuals or large businesses. In fact, wealth management can be considered as special solution offered to individuals as well as organizations in order to enable them to achieve their desired goals. Frame Wealth Management also helps its clients in this regard.

Investment Management

If we need to talk about the main services offered, we can first talk about investment management. Through investment management, investment strategies suitable for the risk profile of individuals or companies can be developed and the portfolio can be diversified in stocks, real estate and alternative investments, or the process can be continued by making long-term investment planning.

Financial Planning

In addition to these, we should also mention the financial planning pillar, because this is where income and expenditure balancing and budgeting are done, as well as debt management and credit planning, and finally, the creation of emergency funds falls under this category. In case of a financial crisis, this planning will save your day.

Tax Planning

During the tax planning process, tax-advantaged investment accounts are created and strategies are developed to minimize the tax burden of the earnings from these incoming investments. In addition, lawyers assist clients in developing international tax strategies. With the regulation and reduction of taxes, you can go on that vacation you have always wanted and have the chance to travel with your kids and family.

Retirement Planning

People may want to think about their retirement now. Among the asset management that can be done in retirement, the management of pension funds and individual pension accounts is considered first, and then we can also talk about the case of providing long-term financial security. However, everything does not end with retirement. It is also very important to make asset management in advance to create passive income sources after retirement.

Why Individuals Should Do Asset Management

In fact, asset management is very important not only for individuals or companies with high net incomes but for all individuals, because in such a position, financial stability is ensured and people can make great strides in achieving their financial goals in life. Asset management allows individuals to effectively utilize their income, which leads to growth. In addition, by creating financial security against sudden fluctuations in the economy, major losses are prevented.

If individuals work with a lawyer during this process, they can resolve all the problems they face much more easily. The role of a lawyer is to provide clear and up-to-date information and guidance to their clients.