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7 Interesting Facts About Family Law
 in Fort Worth

(9/16) Family law is the most sensitive aspect of law because of what is involved. Whether you live in Fort Worth or any other part of the world, the fact that it involves cases like child custody, domestic violence, divorce, and adoption, makes it rather complicated. Let's learn about ten interesting facts about family law in Fort Worth.

7 Facts About Fort Worth Family Law

Here are some of the most common facts you can learn from a Family Law Attorney in Fort Worth:

Grandparent Rights Are Protected

Fort Worth is one of the few areas in the United States that doesn't just protect the nuclear family but also the extended family. As a grandparent, you are entitled to custody of your grandchildren under certain circumstances. Apart from extreme circumstances, grandparents also have visitation rights in normal circumstances as the state considers their roles as vital.

Kids Come First

Like many other states, Fort Worth puts the needs of the child first. When a family law proceeding involves children, judges prioritize the needs of the children not the wants of the parents. Before making a custody ruling, the judge considers things like child-parent relationships, parental stability, and living arrangements.

Common Law Marriage Is Recognized

A couple is in a common law marriage when both parties choose to be together and share the responsibilities of a married couple without registering their marriage. Texas is one of the few parts of the United States that recognizes common law couples and affords them the same benefits as couples with registered marriages.

Alarming Rise In Divorce Rates

Texas has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States, with only 1.4 per 1,000 people in 2021. However, the divorce rate in Fort Worth is rising at an unprecedented rate. Currently, Bastrop and Joyewater are taking the lead in terms of high divorce rates but Fort Worth is catching up.

Specialized Handling Of Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence is an incredibly sensitive case, irrespective of your location. This is why family law attorneys in Fort Worth are required to take additional training to learn how to handle domestic violence cases in the area. They are taught to prioritize victim safety ahead of anything else.

Stringent Adoption Laws

Adopting a child in Fort Worth is not an easy process, rightfully so for the safety of the child. Before you can get approved for adoption, you must go through rigorous screening, background checks, and home visits just to get approval from the courts.

Understanding Asset Division

Fort Worth has unique asset division laws that take into account everything the couple owns jointly, including properties and investments. Even retirement accounts are considered during asset division. A lawyer must understand these laws if they want to represent their clients properly.


Navigating the complexities of family law in Fort Worth is not easy. However, proper research and access to a qualified professional can help you get the assistance you need. Remember that the family courts in Fort Worth are primarily interested in the health and safety of children above anything else. Also, catch up on the latest county news when you have time.