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Environmental Benefits of Recycling Aluminum

(8/12) Aluminum is one of the most ubiquitous materials in most household products. It is the third-most common chemical element on the planet, right after oxygen and silicon. It is a silvery-white substance that is light, malleable, durable, and highly functional. It is an essential component in manufacturing and is integral in construction, aviation, communication, and other similar industries.

Aluminum may be a naturally occurring material but extracting it from the environment is quite complicated. It will also have to undergo a refining process, drawing a lot of energy resources. Recycling aluminum is a huge step toward protecting the environment. It may appear to be a simple job, but the results and advantages are generally far-reaching.

People can easily take up aluminum recycling and help save the environment. While aluminum is easily recycled and repurposed, at least 1 billion tons of aluminum get sent to landfills annually. It's feasible to prevent such an occurrence as even small things can add up to help save Mother Nature.

Here are the environmental benefits of recycling aluminum.

Lowers greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Refining and processing aluminum use natural gas or coal to generate electricity, and in turn, these factories produce perfluorocarbon. This substance is more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide and the other gases they produce also pollute the air. Therefore, recycling aluminum will decrease the high energy cost of manufacturing and refining raw bauxite.

Reduces mining scars and pollution

Mining for bauxite, the ore that contains aluminum, is quite destructive to the environment. Although bauxite can be found on the top layer of the soil, mining companies use explosives and bulldozers, leaving ugly landscape scars. This also leads to soil, water, noise, and air pollution. Initiatives to recycle aluminum will help reduce pollution and limit mining scars from happening.

Keeps landfill waste low

Recycling aluminum will reduce the volume of waste dumped in landfills. An aluminum can will need at least 500 years to decompose properly; since it takes a long time, the space it occupies will add up. Households who can start an aluminum recycling project will help reduce the trash dumped in landfills and reap other benefits.

Provide a steady income stream

If you recycle aluminum materials and source them from the neighborhood, you can create an additional income stream. You may have to crush the aluminum cans and clean other similar materials, but the effort will pay off handsomely. It may start as a trickle, but once you get the hang of the process, you can enjoy more significant profits.

Leads to lower aluminum costs

Industries can easily recycle aluminum several times. Since the material is durable enough, the more recycled aluminum they can process, the lower the smelting cost, which leads to savings and lower prices. As the demand for aluminum increases, the extraction and refining cost may also increase, but the cost will decrease considerably with recycled aluminum.

Final thoughts

We cannot underestimate the value and benefits of recycling aluminum. Reusing the material benefits the environment and helps keep production costs low.