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Referendum set to decide
Simmer Farm’s annexation

(12/20) On January 17, a special election will be held to allow residents of Thurmont to vote on Annexation Resolution 2022-03. The resolution passed at the Town Council’s September 20th meeting, which approved the annexation of Simmer Farm property.

The Town Council narrowly voted in favor of the annexation and zoning change at the September meeting. Commissioners Blakeslee and Hamrick opposed the resolution, while Commissioners Buehrer and Hooper supported. Mayor Kinnaird broke the tie in favor of the motion.

The farmland property is located southeast of the Apples Church, Roddy, and Elyer Roads intersection. The farm borders Graceham Rd. and consists of approximately 24.5 acres. Seven acres are located in town and currently zoned R-5, while the other nearly 17 acres lie in the county and are agriculturally zoned.

The annexation will allow he farm to be rezoned high-density residential development, allowing it to be developed with at least 172 residential units, as well as an assisted-living facility and a day care center.

Following the September vote, a petition was started by Evasion Thurmont, asking for the annexation to be brought to a vote before the residents of the town.

The petition submitted by Evasion Thurmont had 1,154 qualified town resident signatures on it, exceeding the 20% minimum, and in doing so, automatically triggered a referendum vote where residents will be asked to simply vote for, or against, the annexation.

If residents vote against the annexation, the resolution to annex Simmer Farm will be nullified.

If residents vote in favor of the annexation, the development will move forward with acquiring the authorization from the county for the necessary zoning change and only then will the Thurmont Planning and Zoning Commission finalize development plans.

Voting will take place between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. at Thurmont Fire (Guardian Hose) Company activities building at 123 East Main Street. Residents who wish to vote using an absentee ballot can do so by contacting the town office.

With a long road ahead before any development, Mayor Kinnard urged public participation and community input involvement at all town meetings. "There will be plenty of meetings for you to come out and craft projects the way you think they should be crafted," he said. All the town staff asks, is for you to come out and give us your thoughts.

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