(2/13) Preparations for the 10th Annual Thurmont Business Expo are well underway, with the event to be held in March.
Diana Stull, volunteer organizer and owner of The Beauty Parlor, said the expo will be held March 21 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Catoctin High School gymnasium.
Participation is free to area businesses and attendance if free to the public.
Stull said that there will be "an array of different local businesses" attending, and that last year "I would say last year we had a little under 100 businesses represented). It was really big."
She said numerous business will be giving away samples of the products, including food, and well as hand-outs. Members of the public attending will be provided with free "goodie-bags" in which to accumulate giveaways.
"Various business give out samples or handouts," Stull stated, and, regarding examples of food giveaways, "Last year, Cozy Restaurant and Country Inn gave-out root beer cake samples. Mountain Gate Family Restaurant has done fruit before."
The exposition provides local residents with a chance to see what types of businesses and services are located in the Thurmont area they might not have even been aware of.
"All local businesses come together in one place and display what they have," Stull said. "It’s a Friday night out (for locals). People get to see people they haven’t seen all year. It’s a meet and greet, a nice event for the community to come together."
Last year, public attendance of the one-day event was "estimated at between 800 and a thousand."
Stull told the News-Journal that she just got a notice that the Catoctin Breeze Vineyard has also expressed interest in attending this year’s expo to help promote their events. "I’m really excited and looking forward to them coming," she said.
The organizer said the event was first held ten years ago at the American Legion and organized by Vicky Grinder. "It was such as success the second year they had to move it to the Catoctin High School for the additional space.
For additional information regarding participating or attending, contact Stull at 301-271-7565, or by email at info@dianasbeautyparlor.com.
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