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Thurmont Thespians Announce Auditions for World Premier of "Bessie Darling"

(12/15) Most Thurmont folks have heard the story of Bessie Darling if they have lived here very long. If not, hold on to your hat because the story is coming full blown to the American Legion Stage in March of 2012!!

Spence Watson interviewed the first hand witness to Bessie Darling=s murder at length after he moved to this area in 1997 - Maizie Willard - taping the interviews so we have a documented record of her memories. The Watsons went back several times and taped each time so their records are complete. Unfortunately, the same year, both Charles Bowman and his wife Maizie died - Charles in July and Maizie in October.

Using music his mother wrote, Spence is putting this local story to music in an exciting re-creation of the story from start to finish. However, this is not going to be the usual 3 or 4 character play. We need the community to get behind this and join in the fun.

The basic script calls for over 20 men (there are 12 jurymen alone) and at least as many women . There will be doubling of roles so that the fun of playing one role in the first act and another in the second is to be anticipated.

Auditions for this extravaganza are being held January 8, 9,10 at St. John's Lutheran Church Social Hall at 7 p.m. Director Beth Watson asks that you come prepared to read from the script, sing something of your choosing, and check out the tentative rehearsal schedule for your availability. We need all ages but a predominance of mature folks. The lead roles will be expected to attend at least three rehearsals a week but the chorus and walk on's are promised they will not be called oftener than once a week until tech week.

If you have always wanted to get your feet wet with singing or acting, this is your chance!! We expect this to be a community undertaking and need all the people who are willing to help. In addition to on stage work, a back stage crews of at least 8 will be needed - four to a side. If you have seen our large shows in the summer time, you know how big and versatile the stage can be!!

For any questions regarding anything about these auditions - call Beth Watson at - 301-416-0864. Hope to see you at St. John's in January but be sure and mark your calendars for those last two week-ends in March so you don't miss the world premiere of 'Bessie Darling'!

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