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December Taneytown News Briefs

(12/2021) Council Allows Off-Season Pavilion Reservation

Starting in January, park enthusiasts will be able to reserve a seat at Taneytown’s park pavilions during the off-season for a reduced fee.

The city has recently been approached by groups expressing interest in reserving park pavilions in the off seasons, according to City Manager Wieprecht.

Traditionally, pavilion reservations at Memorial Park and Roberts Mill Park were available May through September and only available "first come first serve," during the colder months.

"We don’t anticipate the same level of need as we would have in the warmer months when we’re out there having to empty a lot of trash," he said.

Prices for reserving a pavilion are $75 April through October and $35 during November through March. (so the warm-season $75 rental window has been extended)

To deter vandals, the City Council also approved the demolition of a farmhouse located on the Festival Park property.

Despite boarding up the farmhouse and posting no trespassing signs, individuals continue to enter the farmhouse. Demolition of the property removes the possibility of someone getting injured at the location, Wieprecht commented.

The building was already unusable when the park property was purchased by the city, Mayor Wantz said. "It’s just become more unusable," he said.

A price estimate of $20,000 was received for the demolition of the farmhouse. The city is still waiting on estimates to close the property’s well and septic system.

Taneytown readies for Christmas

Taneytown’s Parks and Recreations Department will kick off the winter yuletide season December 4 with its annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at Memorial Park. Festivities will start at 3:30 and feature a candy cane hunt as well as holiday hayrides. Local church choirs will lead the community in Christmas carols and Santa Claus will arrive at 5:30 p.m. to assist the Mayor with lighting the tree. Non-perishable food donations will go far to ensure local food pantries are well stocked this holiday season.

The annual holiday home decorating contest will run from December 14 through December 26. Registered addresses should be sent to by Dec. 10. Judges will visit each address entered to determine their top three choices. Prizes are winner’s choice gift cards from local businesses in the amounts of $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place respectively.

The Parks and Recreation Department is also seeking volunteers to fill the role of helper elves to help decorate Memorial Park for Christmas. Weekday, afternoon, and weekend hours are available, and any type of help will gladly be accepted. Assistance is a great opportunity for students to get service hours. For more information, call the city office at 410-751-1100.

Police To Get Tasers

The City Council has approved equipping city police officers with tasers through a five-year contract. The total cost of the contract, which includes the tasers themselves as well as accessories such as cartridges and hostlers, will cost $41,400 over a five-year period.

Chief of Police Jason Etzler told the council there was money in the police budget to cover the first year, but according to Mayor Bradley Wantz, the police department will be seeking additional funds to cover the next four years.

Two of Taneytown police department officers are authorized in taser instruction, "Which means we’ll be able to do the training itself in-house rather than having to pay to do it somewhere else," Mayor Pro Tem Joe Vigliotti said.

Wantz considered the tasers, "Long overdue. It offers a less lethal options for officers." Wantz said he think it’s important that the city finally equip its officers with better options then having to go ‘lethal’ in extremis, although he noted, that "lethal force is rare thanks to the fact "we have great officers, and great residents."

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