-- William Blake
Blake was one of those 19th century
figures who could have and should have
been beatniks, along with Rimbaud,
Verlaine, Manet, Cezanne and Whitman.
He began his career as an engraver and
artist, and was an apprentice to the
highly original Romantic painter Henry
Fuseli. In his own time he was valued
as an artist, and created a set of
watercolor illustrations for the Book
of Job that were so wildly but subtly
colored they would have looked
perfectly at home in next month's
issue of Wired.
He lived in a
filthy London studio where he
succumbed to constant visions of
angels and prophets who instructed him
in his work. He once painted while
recieving a vision of Voltaire, and
when asked later whether Voltaire
spoke English, replied: "To my
sensations it was English. It was like
the touch of a musical key. He touched
it probably French, but to my ear it
became English."
Blake is now
revered for his poetry as well as his
artworks. Allen Ginsberg's life was
changed by an overpowering vision of
Blake (it's kind of sweetly
pretentious in a way, isn't it?) in a
Lower East Side apartment. Ginsberg
now often includes a chant from a poem
as part of his poetry readings; you
can read it here.
William Blake
was born on November 28, 1757 in
London. He died on August 12, 1827.
Many poems
included in William Blake's Songs of
Experience (1794) express Blake's
critical view of the Christian Church.
Two poems in particular focus directly
on the Christian Church. These poems
are "THE GARDEN OF LOVE" and "The
Little Vagabond". In these poems it is
obvious that Blake disagrees with many
facets of the Christian religion as an
institutionalized system. Though he
reportedly attended a religious
ceremony only three times in his life
(his baptism, marriage and funeral
service), he claimed himself to be a
devout Christian. His philosophy of
Christianity was considered
blasphemous, but he was never charged
with such a crime. However, he did
express his critical opinions of the
Church in both essay and poetic form.
To understand
what is being said in such poems as
"THE GARDEN OF LOVE" and "The Little
Vagabond" one must consider the poet's
religious, or shall I say spiritual,
position. William Blake considered
himself to be a monistic Gnostic. That
is, he believed what saved a person's
soul was not faith but knowledge.
Faith, he felt, was a term that was
abused by those who thought spending
every Sunday in a church would grant
them eternal salvation regardless of
what actions they exhibited outside
the walls of the church. Church
ceremonies were also dry, emotionless
and meaningless, according to Blake.
Church was evil, as Blake would have
put it.
Knowledge was
cherished by Blake. He argued that
through knowledge one can truly
understand Christ, and when this
understanding is reached one can then
begin to become Christ. Christ was the
pinnacle of what a human should strive
to be. God and Christ were placed on
the same level, and God was not a
"clockmaker" or some supreme being
placed outside of human capacity;
rather, Blake argued that God is
something that resides in all of
humanity. Blake coined this "Divine
Humanity", the potential for all
humanity to come full circle and be
humanly divine; this is possible
because God and Jesus are both living
inside of us from conception, "There
is a throne in every man, it is the
throne of God" (Blake qtd in Raine
life then becomes a struggle of mental
strife. The "monistic" portion of
Blake's Gnostic belief comes from his
view that materialism (evil) and
spiritual (good) are one, furthermore,
everything is one. Life is not a
constant battle between the two, but
life is a culmination of everything,
good and bad, that one must plow
through and make sense of. This is a
heavy topic and for one to completely
understand it more must be said.
However, the basic principles of his
beliefs include knowledge, the
understanding that all men are the son
of God, and because all men are the
sons of God, the potential for "Divine
Humanity". (Raine)
expressed many times that the church
was a spiritual obstacle. In "The
Little Vagabond" Blake portrays the
"loveless morality of the churches" (Raine
148). The church, the clerics of the
church and the church ceremony
altogether is cold and distant. "Dear
Mother, dear Mother, the Church is
cold" ("The Little Vagabond ln i)
is the opening line of the poem. It is
obvious that the young child is
distraught with his church because it
is not quenching his spiritual thirst.
However, he offers a remedy:
"But if at the
Church they would give us some Ale, / And a pleasant
fire our souls to regale, / We'd sing
and we'd pray all the live-long day, / Nor ever once
wish from the Church to stray." (ln
These lines
plainly, but clearly, express Blake's
religious stance. The church is a cold
place that has kept a distance between
its members and itself. Therefore, the
meanings of the gospels have been
delivered in a way that has no meaning
or effectiveness. The word of God has
been marginalized when it should in
fact be communicated in a kind loving
manner. The preacher is God and the
members of the church are God as well.
Instead, the preacher is a merciless
intruder that is penetrating the word
into the congregation's heads not
alloying thought, but perpetuating
cold disciplined faith.
If the setting
of the church were to become more laid
back and comfortable then the results
would be positive indeed, "And God,
like a father rejoicing to see / His
children as pleasant and happy as he"
(xiii - xiv), but for now the church
is a cold place with no fire and no
ale. The preacher is as dry as a
desert, and the lessons of the gospels
are spouted out to an unenthused
distant audience. The child in this
poem (though told by the bard) shares
a close connection (as Blake believed
all children did) with God that has
not yet been clouded by the harshness
of life. Therefore, he can make such
observances and offer his advice.
Children share a connection with God
that is innocent and fair, this theme
is made apparent in mostly all of
Blake's poems. Consequently, God is
still a loving father to this child
(as stated in lines xiii - xiv), and
not the vengeful God that the preacher
most likely is painting him to be.
This poem is used by Blake as a way to
communicate his belief that the church
was suffering from cold militant
preaching rather than warm
intoxicating love.
The cold
atmosphere of the church carries over
into Blake's poem "THE GARDEN OF
LOVE". Playing on the same feeling of
distance and cold, Blake ties in one
of his main critiques of the church:
the church's repression of its members
and his vigorous anti-clerical stance.
This poem is a "Confrontation between
natural innocence and cunning
repression" (Hirsch 258). Blake saw
the establishment of an
institutionalized church as an
instrument of tyranny. An established
church was not only a tool of,
political and
social repression, but also the very
embodiment of repression in all its
forms: the repressive authority of the
church is the source of a condemnation
of all human acts, a condemnation that
has shrunk human existence into a dark
and turbulent sea of guilt. (Altizer
The repression
noted above is greatly illustrated in
the lines that read, "And the gates of
the chapel were shut, / And "Thou
shalt not" writ over the door" ("THE
GARDEN OF LOVE" ln v - vi).
Another facet
of the poem worth exploring is the
cemetery that has taken place of the
garden. "And I saw it was filled with
graves, / And tomb-stones where
flowers should be" (ix - x). Blake is
conveying his belief that the church
focuses too much on death and eternal
damn nation, also tied to the
repression of humanity that the church
has bestowed upon its members. Again,
an innocent child is victim of the
church's tired effort to control the
mind and every aspect of spirituality.
Where a child once played a church was
built, and on its door were the words
that read "Thou shalt not", and in all
around it were graves. A bleak picture
is painted by Blake because that is
exactly how he viewed the church. He
saw the church as a spiritually
hindering institution that has
misconstrued the true message of the
gospels. The fertility of flowers had
been replaced with graves, and the
promise of new life found through the
teachings of Jesus had been replaced
by repressive Priests that patrolled
the aisles in their black gowns.
Read other articles by Drew Harris
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