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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(8/2024) Carroll Valley’s Celebration was successful, with over 4,000 attendees fed by 24 food vendors. The Reagan Years band entertained the crowd with the sounds of the 1980s music. The band’s talented musicians with remarkably diverse vocal abilities replicated the MTV era’s pop, rock, and new wave hits. Unfortunately, after two rain storms later in the evening, the fireworks were postponed to the rain date of Saturday, July 6th.

Many people were involved: Dave Hazlett, Gayle Marthers, Amanda Bell, Jayden Bell, Sarah Ginn, Brad Sanders, Makenzie Taylor, Toni Saylor, Doug Laptook, Boy Scouts, the Borough’s Municipal Services crew, the Borough Council, the Carroll Valley Police Department, and Constable Steven Beans. Also, appreciation goes to the Liberty Mountain Resort for paying for half of the fireworks, the use of their parking lots, three golf carts, and barricades used in the stage area. Others involved was the Fairfield Fire Department watching over the fireworks with their Brush Truck on Liberty Mountain.

Last but not least, a special thanks to Jeff Richards of JDR Unlimited, the Metal Roof Specialist, for displaying the 40-foot United States flag from atop his 13-story ladder truck. To see and enjoy the pictures go to

On Tuesday, August 6th, from 5 to 8, the Carroll Valley Police Department will hold a National Night Out (NNO) for the community. NNO aims to enhance the relationship and communication between the community and the police officers serving the Carroll Valley residents. The event is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local and crime programs, and strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. Attending? Need a bite to eat? Then stop by the Cracken Catering food truck for some food. Finish off with an ice cream treat from Antietam Dairy.

After food, be sure to visit the gathering to collect information from the following Carroll Valley Borough and Liberty Township Police officers, Fish and Boat Commission, Adams Regional EMS, Collaborating For Youth, Adams County Children and Youth Services, Members 1st Credit Union, Growing Patch, and Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors. The Fairfield Fire Department and the Fountaindale Fire Department plan to attend.

Through the evening, Chase, the German Shepherd from the movie Paw Patrol, will be walking among the crowd. Be sure to get a picture. Mighty Movie, a 2023 Canada animated superhero comedy, starts at 7 (approximately runtime for 90 minutes).

Tuesday morning, from 10 to noon on August 8th, Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors is hosting "Games with Grands" at Hamiltonban Township Community Park, 4020 Bullfrog Road. Grandparents and grandchildren can play games together and with others in the pavilion. Bring some games.

St. Mary’s Church, 256 Tract Road, will hold an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner in the parish hall on Sunday, August 18th, from 3 to 6. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6 to 12, and under 6 eat free. All are welcome; no reservations are needed. For additional information, call 717-642-8815.

August is usually the month that many of us go on vacation. But please do not overlook ensuring your home is safe when you are away. There are several things you should consider doing to protect your home. According to the FBI, more than half of home burglaries happen during the day. Here are a few tips: (1) Lock your doors and windows if you leave your house; (2) Do not share the details of your vacation with everyone and, especially on social media, like Facebook when you are on vacation – remember, if you are there, I know where you are not; (3) Make the house look as if someone is home by using light timers throughout the house; (4) Go to the Post Office and delay mail delivery; (5) Contract with a security company and when selecting one, check out their references by going to; and (6) Contact the Carroll Valley Police Department to be placed on their house checklist. And, by the way, have a great, safe, and relaxing vacation.

On September 22nd, Carroll Valley Borough will hold a party celebrating our municipality’s 50th anniversary. More party information will be printed in the September edition of the Emmitsburg Journal.

Please mark your calendar to attend. Right now, I am asking residents to contribute to "Fifty Years of Memories through pictures. The selected images submitted by our neighbors will be hung on the walls of the Borough Hall on September 22nd for October. After the anniversary, the pictures will be placed in a Borough Photo album.

The album will be categorized in the Adams County Library System and available for other system users – carrying out the history of Carroll Valley. Note that you will not lose your photo during the process because a copy of your image will be used. If you want more information, call me at 301-606-2021. My email address is or

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