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Liberty adopts new regulations

(3/25) The Liberty Township supervisors adopted a new ordinance addressing dangerous trees, and two ordinance amendments addressing driveways and junk at their March meeting.

The board first adopted a Tree Removal Ordinance, which provides the township with the power to remove and bill a property-owner for dead or dying roadside trees on their property more than six inches in diameter, if, after warnings, the property-owner does not comply with voluntary removal. Failure to pay any township-incurred expenses will constitute a criminal offense.

Secondly, the supervisors adopted a Driveway Ordinance amendment which corrected existing conflicts with the township’s Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) and provides that any culvert pipe installed be fifteen inches in diameter at the minimum. Additional changes that the driveway ordinance amendment would entail are that driveways should be paved four-feet back from the roadway, that the entranceway to a driveway should be a minimum of 25-feet in width, and that two driveways per-property would be permitted without having to apply for a waiver.

Thirdly, the board adopted a Junkyard Ordinance amendment, implementing revisions which included stating that a junkyard permit is good for one-year from the date that it was issued, and that if the applicant has not properly filled-out a junkyard permit application form, the application permit will be denied, and if an applicant is found to have been in the non-compliance of the ordinance during the preceding term of the issuance of the current permit, a renewal may be denied.

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