Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(6/2020) Congratulations to the Fairfield Class of 2020. To those graduates, I wish you the best. It is a moment you will remember the rest of your life not because you survived the pandemic but rather it is an accomplishment you achieved and will build upon for the rest of your life. It is a milestone in your life. Remember the only thing you can control is you and your actions. Set goals that do not depend on luck, other people, the circumstances around, but rather on you. You can do anything you want as long as you stick to it. Don’t ever give up on your dreams!

On May 22nd, Governor Wolf announced Adams County will be moved from the Red to Yellow Phase in the Governor’s Pennsylvania Come Back – Three Phase Approach Plan to reopen Pennsylvania from the effects of COVID-19. What does this mean? From the social restrictions’ perspective, the "Stay-at-Home" restrictions are lifted in favor of aggressive mitigation. Large gatherings of more than 25 prohibited. In-person retail allowable, curbside, and delivery are preferable. Indoor recreation, health, and wellness facilities and personal care services (such as gyms, spas, hair salons, nail salons, and other entities that provide massage therapy), and all entertainment (such as casinos, theaters) remain closed. Restaurants and cars are limited to carry-out and delivery only.

The workplace restrictions in the Yellow Phase specifies telework must continue where feasible. Businesses with in-person operations must follow business and building safety orders. Childcare facilities are allowed to open with guidance. Schools remain closed for in-person instruction. Congregate care and prison restrictions remain in place. Everyone has the responsibility to help slow down the spread of COVID-19 in their community. The biggest revelation reported by the COVID-19 researchers is the COVID-19 "does not spread easily" on contaminated surfaces or objects. The spread is primarily through the air-droplets of an infected person. However, there may people who are infected and they are unaware they have it because they feel well and show no symptoms (asymptomatic).

Considering this new evidence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing a mask/cloth face-covering in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. One way to look at it is you are protecting others. The bottom line, if we lower the likelihood of one person infecting another, the impact is exponential, so even a small reduction in those odds results in a huge decrease in positive COVID-19 cases.

Please consider wearing a mask. The CDC says keeping at least six feet away from others can help people avoid contact with respiratory droplets and lower the risk of infection. The scientists do explain that it depends on several factors such as the force to pronounce the word(s), the air currents, and surrounding temperature in the environment the words were spoken. I encourage you to wear a mask, practice social distancing, frequently wash your hands, and please don’t touch your face.

Are you aware all Pennsylvania residents have easy access to customized health, housing, and human services information consolidate in one place by dialing 2-1-1. The 2-1-1 telephone number is a 24-hour, 7 day a week hotline, available when you need to find help. The 2-1-1 representatives will do their best to perform the needed online research and connect you to the resource that will answer your question. Know this, we in the Fairfield Area will survive this pandemic. I believe we are on the road to some form of normality. I wish you and your family good health! If you would like to share some positive news on how someone or group is helping others during this time of crisis, please email the information so they can be recognized in the July Issue.

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