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Hamiltonban approves 2019 budget

Danielle Ryan

(12/5) During the December 4 Hamiltonban Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisors approved the $718,175 General Fund budget for 2019, which included no tax increase for residents. The General Fund budget for 2019 came in around $30,000 less than last year’s budget of $748,020.

Early drafts of the 2019 budget left the Board with a $118,000 deficit in the General Fund. Capital improvement projects at the time included the rental of several pieces of equipment for paving projects planned in the upcoming year, including a boom mower, paver, roller, SK lift, boom lift, and a wheel loader at an approximate cost of $50,000 all together. Additionally, the drafted budget included an increase to $40,000 for snow removal, a 3% raise for employees, the addition of a CDL driver/equipment operator budgeted at $40,453, and an increase in the tools and equipment line item to $25,000.

After discussion, Supervisors decided to postpone hiring a CDL Equipment Operator for at least six months, and dropped the rental budget significantly by opting to only rent the boom mower and roller. The budget still includes a 3% pay raise for employees.

Road projects planned for 2019 include Mt. Hope Road, Cold Springs Road, Hickory Bridge Road and Carrolls Tract Rd. Road repair priority went to Mt. Hope Road and Cold Springs Road, which both incurred damage during the heavy summer rains and flooding. Improvements for Mt. Hope Road next year will include base repair and seal coat work.

Another budgeted project in the works for the township includes the expansion of the meeting room located at the Township’s office building. Removal of two bathrooms would allow the area to be expanded. Along with the expansion would be the purchase and installation of new floors and chairs at an approximate cost of $15,000. The Board has also budgeted and approved the purchase and upgrade of a new security system and cameras at the Public Works Building and the office building. Six new cameras will be purchased from Total Tech Solutions, LLP at a cost of $9,253. Water and moisture issues in the building will also be addressed this year.

In the future, the township hopes to continue repairs to the township building by bringing it up to code. This will include installing lighted exits, new ceilings and safety alarm systems and ADA compliant ramps. New office equipment to replace the outdated equipment may also be budgeted in the future.

Carroll Valley also passed their 2019 budget in December, without a tax increase. The Borough’s tax rate has remained the same since 2013 at 2.45 mills, or .00245 of assessed value of land and buildings. Within the accepted budget, the Borough plans to replace the street sweeper, purchase a new police vehicle, replace aging computer equipment, replace police officer body armor, purchase a new park mower, and cover new building debt service payments.

Liberty Township, on the other hand, passed their 2019 with a 0.1125 mil tax increase, which will be included in the budget for the next four years. The tax increase was intended to help allocate funds for the repair of many of the township’s roads without hurting the pockets of residents or dipping too much into the Capital Reserve account.

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