Danielle Ryan
(3/15) Dog Park update
Advertisement for fundraising in regards to the new dog park has been officially launched. The town is hoping to secure additional funds through generous donations from businesses and dog lovers in the community. A $13,000 Project Open Space Grant is already available and will cover the cost of basic construction.
The park, which will be located west of the tennis courts in Community Park, is going to be 80 x 200 feet, which is larger than the original proposed plan. The location has been surveyed and staked out and town staff is looking to remove some of the vegetation at the location prior to construction.
Town Planner Sue Cipperly noted that there are already many people interested in donating to help cover some of the remaining costs of the park, such as dog water fountains, pet waste stations, benches, signs, and possibly dog playground equipment. Anyone interested in learning more about how they can help can visit the town website or
visit the town office.
Pool upgrade considerations
The Board of Commissioners considered three additional upgrades to the new community pool during the March 6 Town meeting. When the decision was made in February to construct a new pool, Commissioner Clifford Sweeney mentioned the prospect of installing a sliding board or new diving board. The Board was also presented with the idea of
installing lights inside the pool, which could extend the pool’s hours.
Town Manager Cathy Willets looked into the cost of the upgrades. Eight LED lights inside the pool will cost $13,200; a new diving board will cost $5,250; and a sliding board will cost between $27,500 and $36,500 depending on the style selected. Make N Waves representative Dylan Daugherity also noted that there would be an additional expense
of $15 per square foot to remove and replace the concrete, if a new diving board or slide were to be installed.
The Board noted that there could be a real potential benefit and draw for later pool hours if the lights were installed. However, they questioned if lights inside the pool alone would be sufficient to keep the pool open later? Would these eight lights offer enough light? Willets will be investigating the lights further, but the Board chose
to pass on the slide or diving board at this time.
Mayor Don Briggs also noted that even though there will be no pool open this summer, the summer pool parties will still be occurring in some form. He promised a DJ, free food and ice cream to be available during three parties throughout the summer months.
Emmit Garden Playground Site
After receiving appeals from the community of the Emmit Gardens area, the Board looked into the location of a potential playground located at Emmit Gardens. Commissioner and Council Liaison of the Parks and Recreation Committee, Joseph Ritz, reviewed the area and considered a potential location. Unfortunately, after reviewing the area,
there is really only one possibility, which is near the site for the future new Town water treatment facility. This area is also prone to flooding so the playground would need to be raised to inhibit flooding of the equipment.
However, the Town currently has a $10,000 grant through Project Open Space available to purchase equipment. Ritz noted that the playground could include a slide and some benches and possibly a small set of swings. He also noted that the Parks Committee is on board with the idea and would like to see the park come to fruition if possible.
Town staff will be checking with the county as far as the flood plain is concerned, to see if they can even construct a playground here. They will also be pulling together numbers and perceived costs for the playground.
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